Who We Serve
Families coping with the loss of a spouse, a child, or a family member may all have different needs and be at different stages of the grieving process. Our counseling services and support groups speak to a range of different people. Our goal is to offer grieving families a guide to healthy healing and a community that will provide connection and nurturing.
Hope for Bereaved Spouses
When your spouse dies, you may experience a rollercoaster of different emotions: sadness, anger, guilt, uncertainty – even relief. What’s undeniable is that your world will never be the same again.
At Cherish, we want you to remember that there is no right or wrong way to mourn. All the feelings you are experiencing are normal. And – as impossible as it may seem to you, now – you will heal.
For men and women coping with the loss of a spouse, we offer monthly support groups and special events. With help, you can get past the intense pain of this loss, begin having more good days than bad days, and slowly but surely put your life back together. You will feel like yourself again. We’ll support you as you get there.

Hope for Bereaved Parents
There is nothing more painful than losing a child. The grieving process for such a loss is highly personalized. Your relationship with other members of your family can become strained, and you may feel all alone in your grief.
At Cherish, we understand how devastating and life-altering a loss like this can be. We know that, with support, you can get through the intense emotions of shock, sadness, anger, or guilt. While a loss of this magnitude can feel unfair and insurmountable, we believe that healing is possible. And while the family you were may never be the same, you will find love, acceptance, and peace again.
For parents coping with the loss of a child, we offer monthly support groups and annual remembrance events. Together, we remember your child and assist you as you journey toward healing.
Hope for Those Affected by Addiction
As our country faces an unprecedented opioid epidemic and stories of alcohol and drug addiction are in the news, we meet too many families dealing with the loss of a loved one due to addiction.
Family members dealing with a loss of this kind often face judgement in addition to overwhelming grief. Not at Cherish. Here, we help you cope with the conflicting feelings and debilitating sadness of your loss. We know that there are stigmas associated with addiction, and we understand the feelings of isolation you may be experiencing. We can help.
At Cherish, we offer compassion, understanding, and support to families as they heal from the acute pain of loss. We offer monthly support groups and events to help our community. We know that there is life after addiction, and we are here to assist you on your journey.